Friday, January 15, 2010

IASK and Helping in Haiti

Dear Patients and Parents:

In about four weeks my 16 year-old son, Drew, and I will join with about 30 other healthcare providers on a medical/dental humanitarian trip to the impoverished country of Haiti. For years I have wanted to get involved with a humanitarian aid volunteer organization, but like many others, let the busyness of life get in the way of that goal. When this opportunity to participate with International Aid Serving Kids (IASK) presented itself, I just couldn't let it pass by.

I wanted to let you know about my involvement with IASK because I believe that many of you might be interested in being involved in such a worthwhile cause. While we have all been affected by these tough economic times, for the most part, we are all very blessed with food, clothing, shelter and good health (not to mention luxuries like straight teeth!). Many of the children of Haiti are malnourished, live in squalor and are lucky if they even have healthy teeth. There are so many ways to serve others and we certainly can't support every cause that comes our way. You may feel however, you have a few dollars to spare that could go a long way in helping the children of Haiti.

Everyone that is involved with this upcoming aid mission is gladly covering their individual expenses for the trip, as well as additional contributions to the support the needs of the mission. However, in order to adequately provide free medical and dental care, provide medications, vitamins and needed hygiene, medical, dental, school and newborn kits, and sponsor orphan children by placing them in foster care and providing for their costs of living, we are in need of additional on-going donations. One dollar a day can sponsor three well-balanced meals, and another dollar a day will pay for a child's tuition, books, school uniform and other clothing and medical needs. Think what we could do for these impoverished children if we as a practice "family" could each contribute as little as $2!

If you feel able to contribute to this humanitarian mission, please include a separate check for any amount you desire made out to "IASK". If you would like to learn more about IASK and have an interest in more substantial involvement, you can visit

I look forward to doing what I can to serve the children of Haiti and am excited to share my experiences with you when I return in mid-February. May you each be blessed abundantly this new year and experience great joy as you look for ways to serve others.

Best regards,

Dr. Michael F. Richards